December 10 – 11, 2014
Joint Meeting of the Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee
& the Transuranic Waste Transportation Working Group
Hotel: Holiday Inn – Charlotte Center City
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina
Download: Agenda
Download: Meeting Summary
- DOE Environmental Management Briefing
Michael Wangler, DOE/EM Office of Packaging and Transportation
- WIPP Transportation Program and National TRU Activities
James Mason, Carlsbad Field Office
- Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance Update
Carlisle Smith, CVSA Hazardous Materials Programs Director
- Transportation Emergency Preparedness Program (TEPP)
Ken Keaton, Technical Resources Group
- TEPP Training and Exercises in Virginia
Jack Tolbert, Virginia Department of Emergency Management
- DOE – Savannah River Site Program Review
Bert Crapse, DOE-Savannah River
- DOE-Office of Nuclear Energy – Nuclear Fuel Storage & Transportation Project
Erica Bickford (AAAS Fellow), Office of Nuclear Energy
- Private Sector Treatment, Storage and Disposal Initiatives
Betsy Madru, Waste Control Specialists
- U.S. Department of Transportation Overview
Kevin Blackwell, Railroad Safety Specialist – Hazardous Materials, Federal Railroad Administration
- Section 180(c) Status and Group Discussion: (1) State Recommendations, (2) Funding Approach and (3) Exercise Goals
Elgan Usrey, SSEB Consultant
September 28 – 30, 2014
SSEB 54th Annual Meeting
Hotel: The Battle House Renaissance Mobile Hotel & Spa
Location: Mobile, Alabama
SSEB 2014 Annual Meeting
Download: Meeting Program
Visit our 2014 Annual Meeting page for all post-conference materials, including speaker presentations.
August 14, 2014
SSEB Associate Members Summer Meeting in conjunction with the Southern Governors’ Association (SGA) Annual Meeting
Hotel: Little Rock Marriott
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Download: Agenda
- State Energy Profiles in the South
Mr. Kenneth J. Nemeth, Executive Director and Secretary
Southern States Energy Board
- Nuclear Matters: Nuclear Energy’s Value to Electricity Mix
Honorable David Wright
Former Chairman, South Carolina Public Service Commission
Former President, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)
- Chemistry and Shale Gas: Fueling a US Manufacturing Renaissance Potential Cooling Impact of 111(d)
Mr. Rudy Underwood
Senior Director of Government Affairs – Southern Regional Operations
American Chemistry Council
- New Members Briefing: Exxon Mobil
Mr. Jeff Copeskey
Government Relations Advisor – Southern Regional
Exxon Mobil
July 26, 2014
SSEB 2014 Briefing to Southern Legislators in conjunction with the Southern Legislative Conference (SLC)
Hotel: Little Rock Marriott
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Download: Agenda
- Navigable Waterways of the United States: Expanding Federal Outreach?
Ms. Dorothy Kellogg, Senior Principal-Environment Policy
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Mr. Scott Berry, Director, Utility Infrastructure Division, Environment and Trade
Associated General Contractors of America
- Energy in the South: Fueling the Nation’s Economy
Mr. Kenneth J. Nemeth, Secretary and Executive Director
Southern States Energy Board - Perspectives on Clean Air Act Section 111(d) from the Arkansas Electric Utility Sector – What Now for Existing Power Plants?
Mr. Curtis Warner, Director Compliance and Support Department
Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation
Mr. Brian Bond, Vice President for External Affairs (Presentation)
American Electric Power-Southwest Electric Power Company
May 20 – 21, 2014
SSEB Committee on Clean Coal and Advanced Energy Technologies Collaboration Meeting in conjunction with the Virginia Coal and Energy Alliance’s Annual Meeting
Hotel: Meadowview Conference Center
Location: Kingsport, Tennessee
Download: Agenda
- U.S. Department of Energy: Office of Fossil Energy Priorities
Mr. Joe Giove, Director of Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstrations
Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
- U.S. Environmental Regulations and Coal
Ms. Angela Levin, Associate
Troutman Sanders
- Partnership for a Better Energy Future
Ms. Jennifer Jura, Policy and Political Coalitions Advisor
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
- Clean Coal Technology Projects in the South
Mr. Billy Thornton, Vice President Legislative and Regulatory Affairs
Mississippi Power
Mr. Mike Nasi, Partner
Jackson Walker, L.L.P.
Mr. Kenneth J. Nemeth, Executive Director and Secretary
Southern States Energy Board
- The 21st Century Coal Industry
Mr. Bill Bissett, President
Kentucky Coal Association
- Perspectives from the Electric Utility Industry
Mr. Gregory G. Pauley, President and COO
Kentucky Power Company
Ms. Michelle Freeark, Director of Safety & Environmental Services
Arizona’s Generation and Transmission Cooperatives
Dr. Joe Hoagland, Vice President of Stakeholder Relations
Tennessee Valley Authority
- State Perspectives on Regulating Coal in the Future
Mr. Bruce Scott, Commissioner Department of Environmental Protection
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
Ms. Sharon Fisher, Fuels Coordinator
Oklahoma Corporation Commission
May 13 – 15, 2014
2014 Annual Meeting of the National Transportation Stakeholders Forum
Hotel: Crowne Plaza Suites MSP Airport – Mall of America
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Download: Meeting Summary
Download: Agenda
March 4 – 5, 2014
SECARB 9th Annual Briefing to Stakeholders’ Meeting
Hotel: Hilton Atlanta Airport
Location: Atlanta, GA
Download: Agenda
- Presentations can be viewed on the website.
February 24, 2014
SSEB Associate Members Winter Meeting
Event Location: Edison Electric Institute
Location: Washington, DC
Download: Agenda