Composed of industries, academia, and business executives, the Southern States Energy Board’s Committee on Carbon Management advances opportunities for applied research and development, investment, international cooperation, and technology design for carbon management in the southern region.
The committee is responsible for coupling the development of carbon management technologies with potential domestic and international economic development opportunities.
The program also affords partners the opportunity to leverage U.S. resources to influence international occasions for the deployment of those carbon management technologies that mitigate greenhouse gases and provide carbon storage solutions to reduce the effects of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide.
SSEB maintains a productive partnership for examining issues related to carbon management with the U.S. Department of Energy. International efforts, such as participation in the 23 nation Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum, are coordinated with the Cleaner Fossil Fuel Systems Committee of the World Energy Council and the United States Energy Association.
Recently, the committee has been focusing on those issues related to carbon management in the South, especially legislation currently being considered at federal and state levels. The committee last met on July 8, 2023, in Charleston, South Carolina.
SSEB annually publishes an overview of carbon management-related legislation in the United States coinciding with our May meeting. View the latest edition here.