December 6 – 7, 2017
Joint Meeting of the Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee and the Transuranic Waste Transportation Working Group
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Download: Agenda
Meeting Summary
- Federal Railroad Administration Update
Mel Massaro and Jeffrey Moore
Federal Railroad Administration - Nuclear Regulatory Commission Overview
David Pstrak
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Mississippi WIPPTREX 2018 Preview
Christopher Wells
Southern States Energy Board - Radiation Response System for Emergency Responders
Kai Kaletsch
Environmental Instruments Canada Inc. - Tribal Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee Report
Richard Arnold
Pahrump Paiute Tribe - Cleanup Activities on Tribal Lands
Lillie Lane
Navajo Nation Environmental Protection Agency - National Transportation Stakeholders Forum Announcement
Joanne Lorence
DOE / EM Office of Packaging and Transportation - DOE Environmental Management Briefing
Joanne Lorence
DOE / EM Office of Packaging and Transportation - WIPP Transportation Program and National TRU Activities
James Mason
DOE / Carlsbad Field Office - Oak Ridge Operation Office Update
Steven Stone
Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management - RadResponder Network: Managing Radiological Data
Nicholas Laning
Chainbridge Technologies - Nordion: Corporate Mission and Transportation Portfolio
Terry Soulsby
Nordion - Transportation Emergency Preparedness Program
Ken Keaton
Technical Resources Group
September 24 – 26, 2017
2017 Annual Meeting
Location: Francis Marion Hotel
Charleston, South Carolina
Visit our 2017 Annual Meeting page for all post-conference materials, including speaker presentations.
August 21, 2017
Southern Emergency Response Council Meeting
Location: The Westin
Memphis, Tennessee
July 29, 2017
2017 Energy Briefing to Southern Legislators
Location: The White House Hotel
Biloxi, Mississippi
June 8, 2017
Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee Meeting
Location: Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel at Station Square
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Meeting Summary
- Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipment Accident Exercise Demonstration
Barry Miles
Department of the Navy - Transportation Emergency Preparedness Program (TEPP) Update
Ken Keaton
TRG Incorporated - Operation Lifesaver: Emergency Response Services and Law Enforcement Training
Andy Blenko
Pennsylvania Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteer
May 22 – 23, 2017
Location: MeadowView Marriott Convention Center and Hotel
Kingsport, Tennessee
- CURC Technology Advocacy Program & Federal Policy Efforts
Shannon Angielski
Virginia Coal & Energy Alliance - Current Activities of the DOE Office of Clean Coal & Carbon Management
Joe Giove
DOE – Office of Fossil Energy - Coal Ash Opportunities
Danny Gray
Charah - Clean Coal Policies and Opportunities
Matt Larson
Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP - The Future of Coal
Karen Obenshain
Edison Electric Institute - Technology & Customer Trends Impacting Coal-fueled Power Generation
Matt Usher
American Electric Power
April 19, 2017
Location: Montgomery, Alabama
March 8 – 9, 2017
Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership 12th Annual Stakeholders’ Briefing
Location: Hyatt Regency Hotel (265 Peachtree St. NE)
Atlanta, Georgia
- Washington Policymaker Attitudes Towards CCS
Jeffrey Bobeck
Global CCS Institute - Southern Company’s Carbon Management R&D Technology Portfolio
Richard Esposito
Southern Company - News from the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project
Sallie Greenberg
University of Illinois – Illinois State Geological Survey - Lasting Impacts of the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership Program
John Harju
Energy and Environmental Research Center - SSEB Central Gulf Coast Initiative CO2USA Project
Brian Hill
SSEB - SECARB “Early Test” at Cranfield
Susan Hovorka
Gulf Coast Carbon Center, Bureau of Economic Geology – The University of Texas at Austin - Southeast Offshore Storage Resource Assessment (SOSRA) South Atlantic
James Knapp
University of South Carolina - Establishing CO2 Utilization, Storage and Pipeline Systems for the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Vello Kuuskraa
Advanced Resources International, Inc. - CBM and Shale CCS Projects
Nino Ripepi
Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research - SOSRA, Mid-atlantic
Nino Ripepi
Virginia Tech - The Current and Future of Clean Coal and Carbon Technologies
Commissioner Jeremy Oden
Alabama Public Service Commission - SECARB Anthropogenic Test Update
Anne Oudinot
Advanced Resources International, Inc. - SOSRA, Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Jack Pashin
Oklahoma State University - Commercial Scale CO2 Injection and Optimization of Storage Capacity in the Southeastern United States
David Riestenberg
Advanced Resources International, Inc. - Citronelle Groundwater Services
Michael Smilley
Golder Associates - Offshore CO2 Storage Resource Assessment of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (Texas-Louisiana)
Ramón Treviño
Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
February 27, 2017
Associate Members Meeting
Location: Office of Troutman Sanders (401 9th St. NW)
Washington, D.C.
- INTUS Overview
Dimitrius Agouridis
INTUS - Diversifying Fuel Options: Expansion of Renewable Generation
Justin Ladner
Southern Power - Cyber Security Threats
Janet Sena
North American Electric Reliability Corporation
February 23 – 24, 2017
Governor’s Summit on Energy Security and Infrastructure
Location: The Willard Intercontinental (1401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW)
Washington, D.C.
- Infrastructure & Modernization
Alan Armstrong
Williams - Development of the Future Energy Workforce
Elizabeth Eide
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - Institute for 21st Century Energy Overview
Karen Harbert
Institute for 21st Century Energy - National Strategies on Cyber and Grid Security
Duane Highley
Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp. - Cyber-security for Energy Systems
Marija Ilic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institute for Data, Systems and Society - Secure and Sustainable Energy Future
Douglas Osborn
Sandia National Laboratories - Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program Overview
Rhonda Reda
Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program - Get On the Grid
Patrick Sullivan
Mississippi Energy Institute - Infrastructure Update
Terry Turpin
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission