Southern States Energy Board 54th Anniversary
Date: Sunday, September 28 – Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Location: The Battle House Renaissance Mobile Hotel | 26 North Royal Street | Mobile, Alabama 36602
2014 Adopted Resolutions Packet
- Resolution to Support a Robust 2017-2022 Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Program
- Resolution Concerning Clean Water Act Regulations and EPA’s Definitions of “Waters of the U.S.”
- Resolution Supporting Fuel and Technology Diversity in the U.S. Electricity Generation Portfolio
- Resolution Concerning U.S. EPA’s Proposed Greenhouse Gas Emission Guidelines for Existing Fossil-Fueled Power Plants
- Resolution Questioning Nuclear-Specific Provisions of U.S. EPA’s Proposed 111(d) Carbon Rule
(Click image for video presentation. PDF, if available, is included in title link.)
Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Mr. Ken Nemeth, Secretary and Executive Director Southern States Energy Board
Chairman’s Message: Regional Leadership, Global Influence
Honorable Robert Bentley, Governor, Alabama, Chairman, Southern States Energy Board
Global Energy Partnerships
Honorable Gary Doer, Canada’s Ambassador to the United States
The Value of U.S. Power Supply Diversity
Mr. Chris Guith, Senior Vice President, Institute for 21st Century Energy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Drawing on Our Energy Strengths
Honorable Earl Ray Tomblin, Governor, West Virginia, Chairman-Elect, Southern States Energy Board
Coal: Abundant and Reliable Energy Resource
Mr. George Barber, President, Alabama Coal Association, and presented by Mr. Patrick Cagle, JobKeeper Alliance
Alabama Power: Ensuring a Clean and Affordable Energy Future
Mr. Mark Crosswhite, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Alabama Power
Keynote Address
Mr. Jonathan Levy, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy
New Energy Advances in the South: Oil Sands of Alabama and Mississippi
Dr. Berry “Nick” Tew, Jr., Alabama State Geologist, Oil and Gas Supervisor
Secretary, Oil and Gas Board
State Legislative Perspectives in 2014
Delegate Will Morefield, Virginia
Senator Robert Adley, Louisiana
Representative Lynn Smith, Georgia
Senator Cam Ward, Alabama
The Strategic Impact of Unconventional Energy Resources in the American South
Mr. Mike Moore, Vice President of FearnOil Inc. and Executive Director of the North American Carbon Capture & Storage Association
International Partnerships/American Resources
Dr. Julio Friedmann, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Clean Coal and Carbon Management, Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
The Role of Nuclear Energy in America’s Future
Honorable William C. Ostendorff, Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Outlook from the Tennessee Valley Authority
Mr. Bill Johnson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Tennessee Valley Authority
Federalism Impacts on Southern States
Senator Mark Norris, Majority Leader, Tennessee, and Chairman, The Council of State Governments
A Senator’s Perspective: Congressional Leadership on Energy and Environmental Issues
Honorable Jeff Sessions, United States Senator, Alabama
Photos from this year’s meeting can be viewed on our Flickr account here.