Critical Minerals & Rare Earth Elements Webinar Available

Critical Minerals & Rare Earth Elements Webinar Available

Now more than ever, securing and processing critical minerals (CMs) and rare earth elements (REEs) is essential to the technological progress and decarbonization of the nation’s energy grid. China controls more than 80 percent of the world’s REEs—an imbalance that threatens U.S. energy independence and technological innovation. Critical minerals, as defined by the US Geological…

Learn About CCUS Regional Initiatives in a New Podcast from eGeos!

Learn About CCUS Regional Initiatives in a New Podcast from eGeos!

The episode—featuring Benjamin Wernette, our Geologist and Project Manager—introduces listeners to the four Regional Initiatives to Accelerate Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Deployment, a DOE-funded project with the collective objective to identify and help address regional storage and transport hurdles affecting commercial deployment of CCUS. The four initiatives discussed in the episode are: Midwest…


Fossil Energy & Carbon Management Digest Available

A new publication focused on fossil energy and carbon management (FECM) legislation in the United States is now available. The FECM Digest is compiled in collaboration with our member states and includes a look at notable fossil energy and carbon management legislation from around the nation. Topics covered in this edition include regulatory measures affecting…

Communities LEAP Opportunity

Communities LEAP Opportunity

Applications due by Dec. 17 Recently, DOE announced its Communities LEAP (Local Energy Action Program) Pilot, which aims to facilitate sustained community-wide economic and environmental benefits primarily through DOE’s clean energy deployment work. The application deadline for the Communities LEAP Pilot is coming up. The opportunity is specifically open to low-income, energy-burdened communities also experiencing…

Biden Appoints Federal Representative to the Board

Biden Appoints Federal Representative to the Board

President Joe Biden has appointed Jim Powell of Hiawassee, Georgia, as the Federal Representative to the Southern States Energy Board. Our Federal Representative is appointed by the President as his official liaison to the Board.  The Honorable Jim Powell will be responsible for providing an annual report to the President on the Board’s programs and activities. In addition, he…

Regional Initiatives for CCUS Advancement Awarded $20 Million

Regional Initiatives for CCUS Advancement Awarded $20 Million

On October 15, the U.S. Department of Energy announced $20 million in funding to four projects working to accelerate the regional deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). The projects, representing the four corners of the country, are known as DOE’s Regional Initiatives to Accelerate CCUS Deployment. The Southern States Energy Board leads one…

2021 Annual Report Available

2021 Annual Report Available

Ahead of our 61st Annual Meeting, we’ve released this year’s Annual Report. Chairman’s Message Excerpt From Oklahoma’s Governor Kevin Stitt: For the 61st Annual Meeting of the Southern States Energy Board, I chose the theme, Energy Pioneers in the New Frontier. Our Nation is entering a period of unprecedented change and transition in the energy…