A consortium spearheading development of a regional clean hydrogen hub on the U.S. Gulf Coast has received a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) encouragement letter to submit its full application for the DOE Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs funding program.

The LIGH2T group consists of the Southern States Energy Board, INEOS, Linde, MPLX and 13 consortium members.

The LIGH2T hub has the potential to become a flagship for the long-term growth of clean hydrogen development and utilization in the Gulf Coast region. It will provide access to and ownership of the region’s most extensive existing hydrogen infrastructure. Rapid, at-scale utilization of a clean hydrogen network will be supported by production, transportation, storage and access to multiple industrial end-users.

A broad range of technologies and feedstocks will be used to produce, distribute and use clean hydrogen to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions across multiple sectors, including chemical manufacturing, refining, and backup power generation. LIGH2T will also supply hydrogen to refueling stations, supporting reduction of CO2 emissions by the transport sector.

The LIGH2T consortium brings together a broad group of organizations with expertise across the hydrogen value chain. Its members include energy and industrial leaders, academia, including the University of Houston and the National Energy Technology Laboratory, as well as regional and local partners in the LIGH2T Hub communities.
The investment in this sustainable hydrogen hub will contribute long term to DOE’s goal of establishing a collaborative energy system and a national clean hydrogen network. It will also contribute to meaningful economic and community benefits across the region.

Click below to visit our program page to learn more.

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